Sunday, June 25, 2006

album twelve - tel aviv, galilee, amman

now for a big contrast to jerusalem - tel aviv!

with beautiful bauhaus architecture, the *white city* of tel aviv.

and those beaches!

bus stop on the road to nazareth.

and the place of jesus' misspent youth itself. now full of churches, of course.

the sea of galilee. a treacherous water!

the shrine in the brotgeberkirche, above the rock where jesus multiplied the bread. allegedly.

here i am walking on water on the river jordan.

while others are getting baptised just some 20 metres away.

the only two pics i took in amman. this is near the citadel on top of the city, where they also keep this beautiful map of the holyland and the dead sea scrolls in the archaeological museum.

and then i flew back home.

my dear readers, all these great pictures were taken with my marvellous camera phone. love it!


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