album three - tripoli, north lebanon
tripoli, a stopover on our way to the lebanon mountain range. fabulous traditional souq, where i had an excellent fresh falafel sandwich. and of course there was a crusader castle overlooking the city.
the magnificent lebanon mountains, home to the maronite christians. it felt like driving through the alps. we stayed a few nights in bcharre, where khalil gibran was born and now has a museum dedicated to him. the mountains are still populated by hermits and some monasteries that were founded in crusade days by various saints.
put yourself in chains so nothing distracts you from praying to god! a demonstration by frere pierre.
the hermit lives where the red crucifix stands. on the peak. it's there, promise! look closely.
and that's caroline!
the magnificent lebanon mountains, home to the maronite christians. it felt like driving through the alps. we stayed a few nights in bcharre, where khalil gibran was born and now has a museum dedicated to him. the mountains are still populated by hermits and some monasteries that were founded in crusade days by various saints.
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